
Look # 16

[By My Side]

Fine in Front & Fine in Back

Side By Side

Ready For my Closeup

Hi Everyone ^.^

Hows it going? I know its been a day right, well anyways I am feeling much more cheerful today then I was even yesterday which is good! I am glad I am getting back to my cheerful self. I promised to share some news with ya'll so I recently adopted another kid after Inu and I decided I was a better god mom to her then a mom as we work on our relationship I knew I needed to have someone to chase after and spend my time with. Not that I don't love my SL mom but I got a lot of love in this heart to share with people and I just needed to fill that hole I had now. So by chance someone I knew on my little avi found me and was looking for parents. After 3 days I just knew she was it and I was keeping her. And now I have decided to RP out a pregnancy so that she can be born into the family. She was super excited and so was Louella whom has been with me for a little over a year. I want to make baby books for both the girls and so I will be using my pregnancy shape here and there and taking photos to document their beginnings. I also recently started dating a wonderful guy in SL. And while its still new we have so much in common and I feel so special things are looking up with my family and friends by my side.

So today in my pictures after much thought I decided to leave on my 5 months pregnant shape and show it off for you guys. I had to really think about this because I was a little worried you guys might think its odd. I however decided that I found it adorable and I am proud to rock my belly. **giggles** Anyways, so with my shape being a bit bigger in places then normal mesh clothing has not really been my friend so I have had to run all over the grid looking for system clothes that were a bit more PG. I found some really adorable stuff at a store called Mon Tissu thanks to an SL friend recommending it that is also going through a pregnancy. Thankies Charbie <3 The nice thing is the textures don't look painted on like some system clothing does and so I still feel very cute and stylish in them. I also dug out some of my LCKY hair...turns out I am a bit of a hair horder and I really need to start dusting off some of these and wearing them cus I have some pretty adorable hairs. But this one in particular called Mori has to be one of my favorites because of its soft wavy curls. I dug out a few more arcade items to show you too from Half deer and the Secret Store and then my lovely friend Kouralee whom is the owner of Gummies surprised me recently with some of her new releases. My birthday is July 15th and she said they were an early birthday present. I had fallen in love with the new earnings and little octopuses when she showed me she was working on them and since she is such a sweetie she gifted them to me. I love you Koura thank you so much hun!!! To complete my look I found a favorite hairbow in my inventory that I wish I could tell you for sure where I got it or who made it its from a gacha maybe from the Thrift shop a while back and my tsg smartphone (I am just so inlove with that thing. Effie is amazing js) and one of the little french bulldog walking pets from The chapter Four. He wasn't to sure the octi on my feet eating ice cream was such a good idea **giggles**

Ooooooh and I have some more awesome nails to share with you from Awwdorable. My SL moms forever niecey makes these nails and they are just adorable. Kaci is quite talented and she has both a store and a blog you can check her out here on her blog ---->{X} and Here on her flickr ------>{X} I love all her nails so much I grabbed a few of my favorites from each pack to show you below.
Nails 1

Nails 2

Nails 3
    Also in the pictures above are my favorite of all her nails because she made them upon my request they are perfect for summer all covered in bright popcicles and a very pretty blue to backdrop them. Anyways I just think nobody can have enough nail polish so check her out. I will make sure to link her MP store in my credits and if you click her store logo under my sponsors it will take you right to her mainstore inworld. So before you guys die of boredom heres my credits.

[I'm too sexy for this...]

Erratic - Summer flip flops Owl Rare

Gummies - Popsicle Earings (with smile)

Mon Tissu - Lollia Tak Top Slate Stipes

Mon Tissu - Shorts Greta Light1

Half Deer - Nekolace Siamese

Ellemeno Bigger Bow White

tsg Keitai Smart Phone Sweet Decoden

Mish Mish – Lil Fat Birdie Necklace Blue (found in her mainstore)

.Olive. The UhOh Nose Chain Ring - Silver (though I tinted it minty green blue)

[Gurl, Look at that body]

NEW - Awwdorable Sweet treats Manicure and Pedicure (popcicles tipped)

LCKY Hair - Mori

[Stellar] Full Body Freckles {all}

:Moonamore: Frecklessmania tintable

The Skinnery Obscurity Eyes - 13 Left (Instore gacha)

The Skinnery Obscurity Eyes - 1 Right (Instore gacha)

The Skinnery Puki Mesh ears

The Skinnery Quiana - bare- milk NB CL2

Slink Flat feet

Slink Elegant hands

Okkbye-mesh teeth Prim-plain

Okkebye Esher-Eyebrows Platinum (tintable light colors) + Esher Eyebrowshaper

Buzz Cutiepie Freckles-no heart

!Kissing Koalas!- Freckers Less

Baby Magical Glitter - Star Sparkles (on my hands)

Shape is my own. (5 months Preggers version)

[Vogue, Strike a Pose]

Kuso Women Poses-SP=001 HUD (standing)

AnyPose Espression HUD V1.0

[But I want you to be here]

Home Made Blogger backdrop by Noli

*ionic* Luces (curtain)- this is a gacha item #4

I feel like I wrote a lot to you guys today so I am going to cut the rest of this post short tonight and go find something to do inworld or maybe go to bed early since I work at 10AM ick! Oh! I also thought I would share with you my pregnancy test results shot because I think it turned out adorable. I luff you Kalibug <3


<3 Always, Noli

P.s. Gummies earings and octi's can be found at the new round of Kustom9, now then here's Nicki Nicki (Nicki Minaj) and Chris Brown <3

[Events List]

The Chapter Four - {X}

The Arcade Gacha Event - {X}

The Arcade Yardsales list - {X}

Kustom9 - {X}

[Marketplace links]

Awwdorable - {X}

Body Freckles with Slink appliers - {X}

Hand Glitter- {X}

Anypose - {X}

[Inworld Store Teleports]

Mon Tissu Mainstore - {X}

Mish Mish Mainstore - {X}

LCKY Mainstore - {X}

++Half deer++ Mainstore - {X}

The Skinnery - {X}

.Olive. (NEW Location)- {X}

Orucal Kuso Animations Mainstore - {X}

Slink West (hands and feet)- {X}

Okkbye Mainstore (NEW Location)- {X}

Ionic Mainstore - {X}

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